Concert Assessment Week: February 26-March 2, 2018
It is Concert Assessment Week! Final preparations for Friday’s performance occur in class and during Thursday’s after-school Wind...

Band This Week: Feb. 19-23, 2018
Please take a moment to thoroughly review the information in this update. Our weekly schedule includes Wind Ensemble’s performance at...

WF Band Weekly Update: Feb. 12-16, 2018
Hello, everyone: This is a relatively “normal” week for our program. After-school rehearsals include Wind Ensemble (Wednesday) and Jazz...

WF Band E-News: February 5-9, 2018
Please take a moment to read this week’s schedule and announcements below. The word map of goals lists goals that our ensemble identified...

WF Band This Week: January 30 - February 2, 2018
We look forward to a great week of making music in all areas of our program. As the semester continues, let each of us continue to up...

WF Band Newsletter: January 22-26, 2018
This week, we must work efficiently to overcome some of our missed rehearsal time, especially as Wind Ensemble prepares for Concert...

WF Band This Week: January 15-19, 2018
This week, we have our second jazz band rehearsal on Thursday. Also, three of our students will represent WFHS at the annual Virginia...

WF Band Weekly: January 8-12, 2018
This week, all students should return their 2018 expectations contract and pre-scheduling form. These are forms requiring a parent...

WF Band Weekly: May 8-12, 2017
The month of May seems to speed by! We hope you are ready for this week’s great events that lead us onward. In addition to normal...

WF Band This Week: May 1-5, 2017
The race to the end of the year continues! This week includes: marching band registration, booster meeting, drum major training, jazz...