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Fruit Fundraiser Begins!

The William Fleming Band is once again selling ever-popular fresh Florida citrus just in time for the holidays! The selling period is October 26 - November 27, 2016. Sellers: all fruit orders and money are due on Monday, November 28 (no exceptions)!

This is our largest and most successful fundraiser. Many people in the school and community are always excited for “band fruit.” This year, proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to reduce costs for the 2017 Spring Trip to Pennsylvania. You can read about that trip by clicking here.

If you know a student in our program, please ask them about the fruit sale! Alternatively, if you prefer to support the overall organization, please visit this webpage. Enter our group code (VA10030), place your order, and the product(s) will be delivered to the address you provide. If you do not wish to shop online/do not know a band member, please contact the band office (540.853.2342) and we can assist you with your order. We greatly appreciate your support!

For current students and families, we encourage all students to participate in the fundraiser. Even if you do not plan to go on the Spring Trip, each fundraiser benefits the entire ensemble, broadening our ability to offer programs, trips, equipment, future fundraisers, etc.

In class, students received a large packet of information about the fruit fundraiser. The most popular option is the conventional order form and sale. Students/families show the available products to family, friends, teachers, and colleagues. The customer selects their products and the seller calculates the total using the order sheet. The customer can pay in cash or check.

The seller turns in all order forms and money on Monday, November 28. The seller should calculate their total product sales at the bottom of the order sheet. If the seller uses more than one order sheet, all totals should be included on one sheet and all sheets stapled together. Each seller is starting with 3 order forms. Additional forms are available from the band office upon request.

An important note: checks must be made payable to William Fleming High School. Other names could result in rejected payments and cancel the customer’s order.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the band office. We look forward to a band room filled with fruit in December!

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