MLK March and Trip Meeting: January 16-20, 2017
This is an important week with several in-class and after-school events. Please take time to review the schedule and announcements below.
Students should be practicing at home regularly. This is homework for band class. Chair Auditions occur in class on Tuesday, January 17 and Wednesday, January 18. These auditions are a major performance grade and help to demonstrate the level of individual commitment that will move our group forward to excellent and superior levels. The best group rehearsals in the world can never take the place of individual preparation. Please ensure your students are practicing at home as our quality, size, and reputation cannot grow without it.
Band Schedule – January 16-20
Monday, January 16
MLK March
​11:45 AM – 1:45 PM
​Itinerary here.
​Bring all items necessary for full uniform
​Bring flip folder and music (This Little Light of Mine)
Tuesday, January 17
A2 and A3 Chair Auditions
​Information distributed in class before Winter Break; electronic copies attached.
​All information is posted on Current Members and Audition Central pages.
Wednesday, January 18
B3 Chair Auditions (see above)
Thursday, January 19
Jazz Band
​3:45-5:00 PM
​A GREAT way to play lots of fun music and get better on your instrument! The ensemble is open to all players and meets on Thursday.
​Selected members of the jazz ensemble will have the opportunity to work with a special guest artist in February, Magda Giannikou, leader of Banda Magda. She is a professional songwriter and performer, who has appeared frequently at the Jefferson Center. Magda's guest residency will culminate with a joint performance with Banda Magda at the Jefferson Center.
​Check out some footage of Banda Magda here.
MANDATORY Spring Trip Meeting
​5:30-6:30 PM
​All students attending the trip should be present with a parent or guardian. All parent chaperones should attend.
​Please contact me directly if you are unable to attend.
​​This meeting was originally scheduled for Jan. 9, but was postponed due to the weather-related school closing.
We do have a few open spaces for students and/or parent chaperones. If you did not originally sign-up for the trip, but would like to go, please contact me directly.
​All open spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
​These open spaces do require payment.
Friday, January 20
Virginia Tech Honor Band
​4 students were selected to represent WF!
Other Information
Expectations Contract
This refresher of information in our handbook and class syllabi was distributed last week. Returning the signed copy is a graded assignment. All are now past due. Please turn in ASAP!
January-May 2017 calendar
Please ensure you are using the most current version of the band calendar (distributed in hard-copy before Winter Break).
An electronic copy is available for download here.
Pay attention to website, Facebook, email, and texts for weather-related changes to the calendar.
Make-Up Exams
If you were absent or are missing part of your exam, please see Mr. Stanley. It is your individual responsibility to schedule make-up times. All make-ups must be completed by January 18, 2017.
Next Week – January 23-27
​Thursday – Jazz Band – 3:30-5:00 PM